
My last words will undoubtedly

spark your awkward laugh

followed by a crooked smile.

Starting the day with unusual initiative,

I am on a mission for a glass, half-full.

Happy Monday.


I've found that most people expect Mondays to be lousy. My mission is to empower the world to surrender their negativity and instead, practice reckless optimism as they start the week. In my experience, some of the most profound encounters begin with just a tiny moment of intense eye contact followed by a smile. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. 


You're worth it.

You matter.

You're golden.

You've got this.

Mondays don't have to suck!


I kicked off the first Monday of 2015 by handing out fresh flowers and positive vibes to those around me. Attitudes are contagious, and it was incredible to see how quickly I was able to brighten someone else's ordinary day with only the smallest of gestures. As each week passed by, I turned it into my personal mission to see how many people I could get to smile back at me every Monday morning.

The project quickly evolved from a personal mission into an entirely new lifestyle. I now spend days preparing with hundreds of "Happy Monday" stickers, countless handwritten notes and 100-200 little pick-me-up gifts to give out to strangers each and every week. My efforts to get people to be as stoked about Monday as they are about Friday have proven difficult on some days, but the positive feedback has been so encouraging. 

I may not be able to change the world, yet, but inspiring this kind of human connection with strangers is the beginning and end of everything. My heart is bursting at the seams and I cannot wait to embark on the rest of the adventure that is year ten of...

All logos created by Daniel Sheridan

All photographs taken by Stacy Scucci