I know it sounds elementary, but I promise you that if you do the following things, your week will start off infinitely better:

  1. Pick out the outfit you want to wear tomorrow (all the way down to your socks) and gather it all together in one place. Eliminate the possibility of a frantic, groggy search while running late for work in the morning.

  2. Go to sleep an hour before you normally would. Studies show that getting one extra hour of sleep each night would do more to a person's daily happiness than getting a $60,000 raise.

  3. Immediately after you get out of bed, blast "Walking on Sunshine" and dance around in your underwear while you get ready in the morning. I swear to you, the vibes of that song will make even the grouchiest person crack a smile.

    Begin your Monday on a positive note and the rest of the week will follow suit. Now go ahead & queue up your music player for tomorrow, I dare you.