It's Just A Bad Day, Not A Bad Life...

Attitude is Everything; Everything is Temporary

"You know the beginning of Moby Dick, when the narrator says that when he finds himself growing grim about the mouth and wanting to knock people's hats off, he takes to the sea? Well, I feel like knocking people's hats off." -Rory Gilmore //

You never know who needs help to stay afloat.

You are not alone! Don't let yourself sink.

Sometimes, all you need after a super rough day is to write down anything that is bugging you or weighing you down, fold it into an origami boat, ship it off to sea, and let it go.

It's just a bad day, not a bad life.

A Glimmer of Hope in the Storm

Don’t let Monday be the villain-

Everything that you are is enough.

Be you, Bravely. //

I unexpectedly took The Happy Monday Project to the Florida beaches and beyond last week. I gathered a smorgasbord of my favorite projects and cruised all around Brevard County looking for strangers who may need a reason to smile in the midst of Hurricane Milton coming. Hurricanes are no joke- and sometimes when things are tough, a little reminder that you are not alone is enough to give you a glimmer of hope that you need. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! ✨#thehappymondayproject

Happily Ever Laughter

Happily Ever Laughter.

Stop taking Monday so seriously.

Feel free to clown around!

Life is better when you're laughing. // Never forget that the smallest act of kindness can make all the difference in a stranger's day. Today, I was able to give away almost 150 clown noses to those who needed some humor to begin the week.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday. PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Going Back To The Roots

Every Flower Must Grow Through Dirt. When your world feels like a cold, harsh place- BLOOM ANYWAY. //

I kicked off the first Monday of 2015 by handing out fresh flowers and positive vibes to those around me. Attitudes are contagious, and it was incredible to see how quickly I was able to brighten someone else's ordinary day with only the smallest of gestures. As each week and year passed by, I turned it into my personal mission to see how many people I could get to smile back at me every Monday morning.

I was stoked to go back to my project’s roots today and my heart is still bursting at the seams just thinking of all the magic that transpired.

I was able to give away almost 150 fresh flowers to strangers as a start-of-the-week reminder that your heart matters and everything you are is enough. Be you, Bravely.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Monday is coming…are you ready? #thehappymondayproject

Traffic Jam

"There's nothing like the deep breaths after laughing that hard. Nothing in the world like a sore stomach for the right reasons." -s.c. // If your stomach isn't sore from laughing after sitting in the rush hour traffic jam that is the I-24/I-40 connector, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.
Every Monday I take it upon myself to drive around on the highway at rush hour in an attempt to give the term "traffic jam" a whole new meaning. Does driving alone while blasting music with my windows down and a big smile while beebopping my head back and forth make me crazy? Maybe. But even if most people are laughing at me instead of with me, at least I got them to crack a smile in an otherwise frustrating and miserable situation.
Stop taking yourself too seriously. After all, attitude is everything and everything is temporary. Are you with me? Now queue up that stereo in your car for the next time you are stuck in traffic and dance like no one is watching. I dare you. PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Admire The Audacity

The work is going to come before the belief.
Stop asking why you can't seem to catch a break if you don't even have a net in your hands.
Admire the audacity of those who catch good fortune with their own net.
Some days, you just have to create your own luck.
Happy Monday. // Today, I gave away 100 nets to strangers who needed a start-of-the-week reminder that some days, you have to create your own luck. When it feels like you can never catch a break- have the audacity to catch one for yourself. It’s a vibe. Do the damn thing and don’t look back. You’ve got this. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Every Pawn Has The Potential To Be A Que

Monday Is What You Make It;
Make Your Move-
Every Pawn Has The Potential To Be A Queen //

What if it turns out better than you dreamed of? What if the changes you are making in your life right now are leading you into something incredible? Yes. Things could go wrong- but they could also turn into a beautiful miracle that is better than you could have ever imagined.

All that matters on a chess board is one good move. Never forget that even the smallest of gestures can make a world of difference in someone's day. Today, I was able to give away 100 chess pieces to those that needed a start-of-the-week reminder that anything is possible with the right attitude.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Work hard. Dream harder. Happy Monday. PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Heartbeat // 8 Feet

Monday Mantra // Your Heart Matters

“Like the brain, the heart generates a powerful electromagnetic field. Studies suggest this field can be detected 8 feet outside your body.

Your heart radiates energy EIGHT FEET from your body. It literally touches other people. And it does so far more than your brain. Your life force, your love center, your pulse, touches. other. people! People you don’t even know can feel your heart. People you pass on the street. People in line with you at the grocery store. Someone you smile at walking through the airport. That’s so powerful. We are intermingling all the time. You give energy to other people simply by being.

Your heart matters. YOU matter. Start the week knowing how powerful you are. Put your hand on your neck, feel your heart beat/beat/beat and know that your purpose is larger than life. Now don’t you forget it.” -Sophia Bush

This quote quite literally shook me to my core when I read it and I’ll be vibing with it until the end of time. Today, I gave away 100 wooden heart tokens to strangers as a kind reminder that energies are contagious. Make yours worth catching. It’s a vibe! Your heart matters. YOU MATTER. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

You're A Diamond, Darling. Nothing Can Break You.

Keep Calm and Sparkle On

Pressure turns coal into diamonds.

When life gets rocky, remember that you are a gem.

If you are feeling the pressure, know that you are about to shine.

You’re a diamond, darling.

Nothing can break you.

Happy Monday. //

Never forget that even the smallest of gestures can make a world of difference in someone’s day. Today, I was able to give away more than 100 gems to strangers who needed a start-of-the-week reminder that attitude is everything and everything that you are is enough. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Mondays don’t have to suck!


When Monday Morning Makes You Feel Like You've Stepped On A Lego...

When Monday morning makes you feel like you’ve stepped on a lego, turn it into an opportunity to build a foundation of optimism- brick by brick. //

Never forget that the smallest act of kindness can make all the difference in a stranger’s day. Sometimes, all you need is a stranger to hand you something silly in the long check-out line at the grocery store, or a customer to bring you cake for breakfast to remind you that we are all in this together. Today, I was able to give away 150 legos to those who needed a start-of-the-week reminder that anything is possible with the right attitude.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Lost Your Marbles?

This week’s project was inspired by story of Peter Pan and the movie, “Hook.”

“While in Neverland, Thud Butt gave Peter a small bag containing Tootles' marbles, revealing that they were his happy thoughts and he lost them literally rather than metaphorically.”

Attitude is Everything; Everything is Temporary // Life is tough, but so are you! Lost your marbles? You are not alone. Between keeping up with my kids and work, my mom brain can barely remember my own name. Today, I gave away almost 200 bags of spare marbles to frazzled strangers to remind them that we are all in this together.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday. PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Monday is Magically Delicious

Who needs luck when you’ve got charm? Some days, you just have to create your own MAGIC. // Who doesn’t love lucky charm’s marshmallows? This week’s dreamy project was magically delicious! Attitudes are contagious, and it is incredible to see how quickly you can brighten a stranger’s ordinary day with even the smallest of gestures. Today, I was able to give away almost 200 bags of Lucky Charms Magical Marshmallows as a reminder that anything is possible with the right attitude. Some days, you just have to create your own magic. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Skeleton Keys

Surrender Your Negativity; Practice Reckless Optimism.

Never put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket.

Happy Monday. #thehappymondayproject PASS IT ON! //

Never forget that the smallest act of kindness can make all the difference in a stranger’s day. Today, I was able to give away almost 150 skeleton keys to strangers who needed a start-of-the-week reminder that you are in charge of your own happiness. Period.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are.

Beach Balls

Surrender Your Negativity;

Practice Reckless Optimism

Bring a little piece of the beach to the office with you.

Mentality is everything.

Breathe life into your Monday. //

Attitudes are contagious, and it is incredible to see how quickly I can brighten a stranger’s ordinary day with only the smallest of gestures. Today, I was able to give away over 100 mini beach balls to those who needed a reminder that anything is possible with the right attitude.

Work hard. Dream harder! There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday-PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

When Monday Feels Like Sand In Your Shoe...

If an irritating grain of sand sneaks into an oyster’s shell, it turns its troubles into a pearl. When Monday feels like sand in your shoes, remember this: The world is your oyster; turn your Mondays into Pearls. Happy Monday. PASS IT ON! // Never forget that even the smallest of gestures can make a world of difference in someone’s day. Today, I was able to hand out over 100 glass pearls to those that needed a start-of-the-week reminder that attitude is everything. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Mondays don’t have to suck! #thehappymondayproject


Our ten year wedding anniversary is on Thursday, so this week’s Monday project is honoring that by vibing off the favors we gave away on our Wedding Day.

Today, I gave away more than 100 bubble wands to strangers as a start-of-the-week reminder that no one can burst your bubble without permission.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Giddy Up- It's Monday!

Giddy up- it's Monday!

Life's not all it's quacked up to be.

When taking action toward your dream, you won't always have your ducks in a row.

Let go of the illusion of control and make a run for it.

When in doubt, dance it out.

Getting back in the saddle never looked this good. Happy Monday. //

Never forget that the smallest of gestures can make all the difference in someone’s day. Today, I gave away 100 rubber ducks in cowboy hats to strangers who needed a reason to smile.

Reset your brain in silly ways to add more joy to your life in tiny bursts. Attitude is everything; Everything is Temporary. Sometimes, all you need is a silly little companion in your pocket to remind you that all this adulting bullshit you have to do today is really not that serious.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Love Letters

STOP WATCHING THE NEWS & LOVE! // In a world that is more often than not condensed into 140-characters, let’s remind the critics that love letters grow from the trees.

This planet is changed by your example, not your opinion. You will never influence the world by being just like it. I spent the day putting more than 100 handwritten love letters out into the world. I am such a hot mess- I just had a crying fit because there is so much beautiful on this planet if you look around. If you search for the magic, you will see that the entire world is sparkling. Some days, you just need to dance with the fireflies.

The time is not tomorrow- The time is NOW!

Surrender your Negativity and Practice Reckless Optimism. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Mondays don’t have to suck!
