When You Have A Bad Day...

Monday Fit Monster

When you have a bad day,

When nothing goes right,

Don’t lose your temper and get uptight.

Just leave those breakables

Where they sit,

Then pick me up and throw a fit.

Happy Monday. //

Never forget that the smallest of gestures can make all the difference in someone’s day. Today, I was able to give away more than 100 “fit monsters” to strangers who needed a reason to smile. Life is tough, but so are you! Sometimes, all you need after a super rough day is to just throw something. Toss that negative energy away from you and start over. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Monday is coming…are you ready? #thehappymondayproject