Fresh Flowers

Every Flower Must Grow Through Dirt. When your world feels like a cold, harsh place- BLOOM ANYWAY. //

I kicked off the first Monday of 2015 by handing out fresh flowers and positive vibes to those around me. Attitudes are contagious, and it was incredible to see how quickly I was able to brighten someone else's ordinary day with only the smallest of gestures. As each week and year passed by, I turned it into my personal mission to see how many people I could get to smile back at me every Monday morning.

I was stoked to go back to my project’s roots today and my heart is still bursting at the seams just thinking of all the magic that transpired.

I was able to give away 100 fresh flowers to strangers as a start-of-the-week reminder that your heart matters and everything you are is enough. Be you, Bravely.
There are 52 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Monday is coming…are you ready? #thehappymondayproject