I Am Not Lost Scarves

I am not lost.

If you need to stay warm, this handmade scarf is meant for you. You are worthy. You are loved. You are not alone. If you are waiting for a sign, THIS IS IT. Happy Monday. //

Whoa. Holy moly. When it rains, it pours, and you can bet your ass that I am going to dance in it. What a special day. When I decided to learn how to crochet on a whim a few months ago, I thought I was capable of making one or two scarves. I never would have dreamed that I would be able to make dozens of handmade scarves before Christmas. Today, I took my little project to Downtown Nashville to warm the hearts of the homeless. I left blessing bags around the city. I also handed out wrapped scarves to strangers on the street who needed a reminder that someone is thinking of them on this sometimes lonely holiday.

These homemade little blessing bags were the least I could do to remind these beautiful humans who are currently down on their luck that life is tough, but so are you! Your heart matters-YOU MATTER. You are not alone. Don’t let yourself sink!

There were 52 Mondays this year and how you spent them was up to you. Start off the week and end the year knowing how powerful you really are. Happy Monday and Merry Christmas! PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject #attitudeiseverything #everythingistemporary

(Thank you Haley Burks McClincy for fueling my crazy ideas and helping me learn to crochet on a whim. Also thank you to my mother-in-law, Sue, who also helped me learn to crochet and pitched in to add a bunch of handmade scarves to the pile. Y’all are the true MVP’s)