Admire The Audacity

The work is going to come before the belief.
Stop asking why you can't seem to catch a break if you don't even have a net in your hands.
Admire the audacity of those who catch good fortune with their own net.
Some days, you just have to create your own luck.
Happy Monday. // Today, I gave away 100 nets to strangers who needed a start-of-the-week reminder that some days, you have to create your own luck. When it feels like you can never catch a break- have the audacity to catch one for yourself. It’s a vibe. Do the damn thing and don’t look back. You’ve got this. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject