
Do the Universe a favor- Never hide your magic. Dare to colour outside the lines. We may all be a little broken, but broken crayons still colour. // Never forget that the smallest act of kindness can make all the difference in a stranger’s day. I woke up before the sun this morning looking for people who needed a reason to smile. By the end of the day, I was able to hand-out over 100 broken crayons to help remind the world that you’ve got to be kind.

Life is precious. Don’t waste a minute of it. Love yourself, love your friends, love your neighbor. We may live in a cruel world and it can be a dark place, but love will always win if you never stop chasing the light.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Mondays don’t have to suck! #thehappymondayproject

Drink Umbrellas

If you are working for the weekend, you are doing it wrong.

Make every Monday your vacation destination.

Life is too short to not have a little umbrella in your drink. // Some days, you have to make your own magic. Today, I gave away 100 drink umbrellas to those who needed help getting back into the weekday grind after a week of snow days. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Mondays don’t have to suck! #thehappymondayproject Happy Monday- PASS IT ON!

“If you ever get to Nipper’s Corner on a Monday…”

“If you ever get to Nipper’s Corner on a Monday…”

Monday is coming…are you ready? Set your alarms early and let me shift your perspective on this snowy weather. Come visit me at Nipper’s Corner Starbucks to get your caffeine jolt tomorrow morning and I promise to make you smile. After that, catch me spreading positive vibes all around town. I’ll be the one with the flower headband and endearing enthusiasm. Mondays don’t have to suck! #thehappymondayproject PASS IT ON!


You never know who needs help to stay afloat.

Share a smile.

It's a lifesaver. // Everyone you know is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Never forget that the smallest act of kindness can make all the difference in a stranger's day. Today, I was able to hand-out more than 100 lifesaver mints to those who needed a reason to smile. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Mondays don't have to suck! Life is tough, but so are you. You are NOT alone. DON'T LET YOURSELF SINK. #thehappymondayproject

Disco Balls

Maybe you experienced a magnificent start-of-the-week revelation today. Maybe your biggest accomplishment was getting out of bed.

Wherever you are in life, it is right where you are suppose to be. Embrace it and don’t forget to take care of yourself.

You are allowed bad days. You are justified in your struggles. I want you to know that you are loved, seen, heard, and understood. Being an adult is literally jumping from feeling like you are on top of the world to feeling like you cannot even take another step. Just take a breath! You are not alone. You are alive and you are doing the damn thing and for that, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU.

Eat ice cream unapologetically before noon and bumble your way through the rest of the day. Just do it dancing while smiling so hard that your eyes close.


There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday. #thehappymondayproject PASS IT ON

I Am Not Lost Scarves

I am not lost.

If you need to stay warm, this handmade scarf is meant for you. You are worthy. You are loved. You are not alone. If you are waiting for a sign, THIS IS IT. Happy Monday. //

Whoa. Holy moly. When it rains, it pours, and you can bet your ass that I am going to dance in it. What a special day. When I decided to learn how to crochet on a whim a few months ago, I thought I was capable of making one or two scarves. I never would have dreamed that I would be able to make dozens of handmade scarves before Christmas. Today, I took my little project to Downtown Nashville to warm the hearts of the homeless. I left blessing bags around the city. I also handed out wrapped scarves to strangers on the street who needed a reminder that someone is thinking of them on this sometimes lonely holiday.

These homemade little blessing bags were the least I could do to remind these beautiful humans who are currently down on their luck that life is tough, but so are you! Your heart matters-YOU MATTER. You are not alone. Don’t let yourself sink!

There were 52 Mondays this year and how you spent them was up to you. Start off the week and end the year knowing how powerful you really are. Happy Monday and Merry Christmas! PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject #attitudeiseverything #everythingistemporary

(Thank you Haley Burks McClincy for fueling my crazy ideas and helping me learn to crochet on a whim. Also thank you to my mother-in-law, Sue, who also helped me learn to crochet and pitched in to add a bunch of handmade scarves to the pile. Y’all are the true MVP’s)

Tea Light Candles

Attitude is Everything;

Everything is Temporary

Shorter days - Longer nights

out of darkness emerges the light.

This is your start-of-the-week reminder to celebrate the brighter days to come.

Happy Monday. // In honor of the Winter Solstice this week, I handed out over 100 tea light candles to strangers as a reminder to always chase the light. There are 52 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Monday Mineral Miracles

Monday Mineral Miracles //

Carry a pinch of positivity-

This Himalayan Salt Rock is a pocket-sized way to ward off negative energy and prevent seasonal blues. Who said being a rock star is hard?

Never forget that the smallest of gestures can make all the difference in someone’s day. Today, I was able to give away 150 Himalayan Salt Rocks to strangers who needed a start-of-the-week reminder that attitude is everything and everything is temporary. Some days, you just have to create your own magic. There are 52 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Monday Fit Monster

Monday Fit Monster

When you have a bad day,

When nothing goes right,

Don't lose your temper and get uptight.

Just leave those breakables

Where they sit,

Then pick me up and throw a fit.

Happy Monday. //

Never forget that the smallest of gestures can make all the difference in someone’s day. Today, I was able to give away more than 100 “fit monsters” to strangers who needed a reason to smile. Life is tough, but so are you! Sometimes, all you need after a super rough day is to just throw something. Toss that negative energy away from you and start over. It’s just a bad day, not a bad life. There are 52 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON!#thehappymondayproject

Instant Holiday Stress Relief Kit

Time around the holidays can be hard. Life is tough, but so are you! You are not alone. Don’t let yourself sink. Today, I gave away over 100 mini holiday stress relief kits to frazzled strangers as a reminder that we are all in this together.

Maybe you experienced a magnificent start-of-the-week revelation today. Maybe your biggest accomplishment was getting out of bed. Wherever you are in life, it is right where you are suppose to be. Embrace it & don't forget to take care of yourself.

Work hard. Dream harder. There are 52 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject


Be the change!

Never forget that the smallest act of kindness can make all the difference in a stranger's day.

I couldn't afford to spend any money on the Monday project this week, so I decided to get creative. I had to remind myself that life is tough, but so are you. Some days you just have to create your own magic. It is amazing what you can do with just ketchup, an old toothbrush, and a little bit of elbow grease. Even the few dollars in change you find stuck between the seats of your car can be turned into more than 150 contagious smiles for those who need a little whimsy to help them get back into the daily grind.

There are 52 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Mondays don't have suck! #thehappymondayproject PASS IT ON!


When Monday morning makes you feel like you’ve stepped on a lego, turn it into an opportunity to build a foundation of optimism- brick by brick. //

Never forget that the smallest act of kindness can make all the difference in a stranger’s day. Today, I was able to give away 150 legos to those who needed a start-of-the-week reminder that anything is possible with the right attitude.

There are 52 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON!#thehappymondayproject

Meet Your Heroes

Meet your heroes. It’s pretty rad. What a magical way to spend a Monday night! ✨ Jedidiah Jenkins’ new book “Mother, Nature” is out in the world today. When it came to my turn in line at the book launch last night, I was so speechless that I just rambled and blubbered on and on. I am pretty sure the only tangible words I was able to form was “Happy Monday.”

I was standing in front of two of my favorite authors, with the opportunity to ask them any question that I could dream of, and those were the only two words I was able to spill out. I am the epitome of awkward, but this night was legendary. If you haven’t already, go grab a copy of Jedidiah Jenkins’ “Mother, Nature” and Barbara Jenkins’ “So Long as It’s Wild.” Their words will rock your world and shake you to the core. I promise.

Autumn Leaves

Fall In Love With Mondays! The world is changed by your example, not your opinion. You will never influence the world by being just like it. Autumn is a beautiful reminder of how to let things go and dance on a windy day. // Never forget that even the smallest of gestures can make a world of difference in someone’s day.

Today, I was able to give away more than 150 autumn leaves to strangers as a start-of-the-week reminder that attitude is everything and everything is temporary.

There are 52 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Origami Boats

"You know the beginning of Moby Dick, when the narrator says that when he finds himself growing grim about the mouth and wanting to knock people’s hats off, he takes to the sea? Well, I feel like knocking people’s hats off." // You never know who needs help to stay afloat. You are not alone. Don't let yourself sink! Sometimes, all you need after a super rough day is to write out all of your frustrations onto a scrap of paper, fold it into an origami boat, ship it off to sea, and get over it. It's just a bad day, not a bad life. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON. #attitudeiseverything #everythingistemporary #thehappymondayproject