Honey Sticks

Have you heard the buzz? Mondays are as sweet as honey! // This week, I gave away 100 wildflower honey sticks to strangers who needed a sweet little pick-me-up to begin the week. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON!


Share A Smile. It's A Lifesaver.

You never know who needs help to stay afloat.

Share a smile.

It's a lifesaver. // Everyone you know is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Never forget that the smallest act of kindness can make all the difference in a stranger's day. Today, I was able to hand-out more than 100 lifesaver mints to those who needed a reason to smile. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Mondays don't have to suck! Life is tough, but so are you. You are NOT alone. DON'T LET YOURSELF SINK. #thehappymondayproject

Never Beg For A Seat- Bring Your Own Damn Table

Go where you're celebrated- not where you're tolerated. Protect your energy and watch the tables turn in your favor. Never beg for a seat. When there is no room for you at the table, bring your own damn table. // Never forget that the smallest of gestures can make all the difference in someone’s day. Today, I was able to give away 100 mini tables to strangers who needed a start-of-the-week reminder that attitude is everything and everything is temporary. Some days, you just have to create your own magic. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Laugh S'more. Worry less.

Laugh s’more. Worry less.

It’s okay to fall apart sometimes. S’mores are a hot mess and we still love them.

Ride the melt into your Monday and watch the rest of the week follow suit. Happy Monday. // In the words of Sophia Bush, “You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.”

This week, I was able to give away 150 s’mores kits to strangers who needed a reason to let sparks fly. Everything that you are, is enough. Be you, Bravely. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Glow Up Glow Sticks

This week, I was able to give away almost 200 glow sticks to strangers who needed a reason to smile.

Sometimes we need to break before we can shine.

Glow up to your full potential.

This is your start-of-the-week reminder to shine like the Universe is yours, because it is.

Add some neon to this world and never let anyone dim your glow.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday! #thehappymondayproject PASS IT ON!

Wildflower Seed Paper Earths

Be Wild About Mondays.

Spread the love; May good things grow. // In honor of Earth Day today, I gave away 100 plantable, recycled wildflower seed paper Earths to strangers- to those who might need a sign that when you are in a dark place, it is because you’ve just been planted. This is your start-of-the-week reminder that beautiful things grow in unexpected places. When the world feels like a cold, harsh place- BLOOM ANYWAY. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject


The sun and the moon perfectly aligned in the Universe today, dancing their way across our entire country on the path of totality.

To celebrate such an awe-inspiring event, I gave away almost 100 mini eclipses to those who needed a start-of-the-week reminder to shine like the Universe is yours, because it is. All parts of ourselves- both the light and the dark-can be powerful. It is all a beautiful part of this wild, cosmic experience of life. Next time something is scary or hard or dark …this is your reminder that it can still be a stellar experience too.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Attitude is Everything; Everything is Temporary. // When the world feels like a cold, dark place- Be the silver lining eclipse that radiates optimism.

Happy Monday PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Whoopee Cushions

Happily Ever Laughter // For April Fool’s Day, I gave away over 100 mini whoopee cushions to strangers who needed a reason to giggle. Some days, all you need is to let a fart out, crack a smile and do the damn thing. Stop taking Monday so seriously! Feel free to clown around. Life is better when you’re laughing.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. #thehappymondayproject

Monday is coming…are you ready?

Get Out Of Jail Free Cards

Surrender Your Negativity; Practice Reckless Optimism // The time is not tomorrow- THE TIME IS NOW. There are no guarantees in this world. Life is precious. Don’t waste a minute of it. Are you stuck in a Monday funk?

Break your mind free from those Monday Blues. Today, I was able to give away over 100 “get out of jail free” cards as a reminder to take a chance, rise up, and attack the day with enthusiasm. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday. PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

The Last Straw

Attitude is Everything; Everything is Temporary

When it’s Monday and you’re already on your last straw... Here's a spare to get you through the week. Life is tough, but so are you. You are not alone. Don't let yourself sink. Mondays don't have to suck!

Attitudes are contagious, and it is incredible to see how quickly I can brighten a stranger's ordinary day with only the smallest of gestures. Today, I was able to give away over 100 reusable straws to those who needed a reminder that anything is possible with the right attitude.

Work hard. Dream harder! There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Dopamine Dinos

“Dopamine Dinos”

Tiny dinos, big grins, Mondays are more than just head spins,

In pockets, on desks, they'Il boost your dopamine on a whim,

A dash of joy, a reset for your brain,

Each little dino, a cheerful way to stay sane, Life's too short to fret, let's share dino delight,

In every corner of this silly adulting life, let happiness ignite. Happy Monday! //

Never forget that the smallest of gestures can make all the difference in someone’s day. Today, I gave away more than 100 “dopamine dinosaurs” to strangers who needed a reason to smile. Life is tough, but so are you!

Reset your brain in silly ways to add more joy to your life in tiny bursts. Keep your dino in your pocket or on your desk within eyesight. When you see them, I guarantee you will get a ping of dopamine. Sometimes, all you need is a silly little companion in your pocket to remind you that all this adulting bullshit you have to do today is really not that serious.

There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Happy Monday- PASS IT ON! #thehappymondayproject

Stay Fierce. Stay Kind.

“Stay fierce. Stay kind. Don’t let the world get the best of your mind. It helps to wear whatever gives you wings right now. Stacy eats trashy pizza on the kitchen floor while wearing her wedding gown.”

I’m not crushing it this week. My body and my heart are both overworked and overwhelmed. But you know what? It’s okay. You grow through what you go through. It’s just a bad couple of days, not a bad life. This is a kind reminder that we could all give ourselves a little more grace. Self-love baby!

So to every Mama who has a sink full of dishes tonight, to every Mama who got take-out for dinner, to every Mama with a baby that just doesn't want to go to sleep, to every Mama who has a messy house and hasn't showered today...it's okay if all you did today was survive. Tomorrow is a new day and I promise you that this is all worth it. Everything that you are is enough. You've got this! Be you, Bravely.

Some days are messy and the struggle is real, but you’ll make it through. You are not alone. Don’t let yourself sink! You are alive and you are doing the damn thing and for that- I AM SO PROUD OF YOU. Work hard. Dream harder. It only gets brighter from here.


Attitude is Everything; Everything is Temporary. Monday is what you make it—Your day is a direct reflection of your attitude. Smile! Happiness looks great on you. // Never forget that the smallest act of kindness can make all the difference in a stranger’s day. I was able to hand-out 100 small mirrors today to remind the world that you’ve got to be kind. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Mondays don’t have to suck! ️#thehappymondayproject


Pay it Forward. “Kindness has a domino effect. Aim to be the Start.” Begin your Monday on a positive note and the rest of the week will follow suit. Happy Monday // Never forget that the smallest act of kindness can make all the difference in a stranger’s day. I woke up before the sun to work at Starbucks this morning and then spent the afternoon looking for people who needed a reason to smile. By the end of the day, I was able to hand-out more than 100 dominos to help remind the world that you’ve got to be kind. There are 53 Mondays this year and how you spend them is up to you. Start off the week knowing how powerful you are. Mondays don’t have to suck! ️#thehappymondayproject